Hoarding disorder – The Joining Forces RCT

Hoarding disorder
Hoarding disorder (HD) is a mental disorder that is characterized by significant difficulties of discarding or parting with possessions and strong urges to save. Individuals with HD often also have strong desires to acquire items. Together, these symptoms result in the accumulation of large amounts of items that are kept in a disorganized manner at home, to the degree that normal use of the space is difficult, causing significant impairment in function. 

The Joined Forces randomized controlled study
In a current study, we are investigating the clinical efficacy of in-home decluttering augmentation of group CBT for reducing hoarding severity in adults with HD. The treatment consists of group CBT for HD for 12 weeks and 10 weeks of in-home decluttering. 

Group members Volen Ivanov (Principal Investigator) and Sofia Jägholm (Co-investigator and project manager) are working on this project. Other Co-investigators are Professor Christian Rück, Professor David Mataix-Cols, Dr Lorena Fernández de la Cruz, Dr Erik Andersson, Professor Randy Frost and Dr Carolyn Rodriguez.

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Group members involved in the project